Every client’s needs are different. Depending on community needs, staff experience, agency size, board involvement, grant funding, and a host of other variables, needs and opportunities shift and change. Recognizing this, CM doesn’t take a cookie-cutter approach; instead, we create customized projects for each organization we work with.
That said, below is a brief description of our most frequently requested services. Your project may include some of these services, or we may design something completely new based on your unique needs and dreams; we’ll figure that out together during your initial consultation.

“What’s good in our program that could be great?” “How and when are we missing the mark or falling short of best practices?” “Where are we out of compliance?” “What don’t we know that we should?”
CM’s Program Review Process will answer these questions for you and help you build a plan to improve the quality, safety, and overall impact of your program.
“Is our day-to-day documentation the best it can possibly be?” “Do my team members’ case management files measure up to current industry standards and best practices?” “Has my team received exceptional coaching and training in this area?”
CM’s approachable expertise and compassionate coaching will give you the confidence to answer each of those questions with a resounding “YES!” after just a few months of QA Reviews.
MATCHFORCE SUPPORT (specific to BBBS agencies)
“Are we fully utilizing all that Matchforce has to offer?” “Are we missing out on something that would benefit our agency?” “What could my team do if they were expertly trained on Matchforce?”
CM partnered with BBBSA in developing Matchforce. We know it inside out; so, we know how to customize it to the specific needs of your BBBS agency and ensure that your staff is expertly implementing it to their benefit. We come alongside you and help you move your team to accountability and data-driven leadership.
“What will give my team the boost of confidence they need to take our program to the next level?” “How can we better serve our community’s needs?” “How do we stay current on emerging issues, trends, and best practices?”
In addition to CM’s in-house expertise, we collaborate with experts in a variety of fields and disciplines to provide our clients with exceptional, highly informative trainings presented in warm, fun, accessible ways. Topics vary and are always being updated - here are a few consistently requested topics: QA 101; Quality Documentation for Enrollment & Match Support; Staying Curious // Utilizing 2nd & 3rd Level Questions; Matchforce Utilization for Efficiency.
“How will I get my incoming leader up-to-speed and functioning fully in their new role?” “How do I equip my leader with essential information that may not be my area of expertise?”
CM’s years of experience leading and supporting youth-serving organizations position us well to assist you in interviewing, identifying, and ultimately onboarding high quality, high performing leaders who fit the needs and culture of your organization.
“What is the next right step for me and my team?” “How should I navigate this challenge with our Board?” “How will we help our aspring leaders reach their full potential?” “I’m here for everybody, but who’s here for me?”
CM values compassionate coaching. We have been where you are, and we know that often it takes just one person truly listening and asking powerful, direct questions to unlock what’s inside you and open your eyes to new options.